Monday, May 25, 2020
The Importance of Reward in Motivation - 1742 Words
In daily life, we need motivation to improve our performance in our job or in studies. Motivation is an internal force, dependent on the needs that drive a person to achieve. In the other words, motivation is a consequence of expectations of the future while satisfaction is a consequence of past events (Carr, 2005). We need to give reward to our self when we did correctly or we has achieve our target. Reward is something that we are given because we have behaved well, worked hard, or provided a service to the community. Theories of motivation can be used to explain the behavior and attitude of employees (Rowley, 1996; Weaver, 1998). The theories include content theories, based on assumptions that people have individual needs, which†¦show more content†¦It is the job context which is the dissatisfaction among the employees when the extrinsic condition is not present. If the extrinsic condition is present, which is not motivated the employees necessarily. Meanwhile the intrin sic reward is related to the job content. It builds strong levels of motivation that can result in good job performance. If these conditions are not present, jobs do not prove highly satisfying. The factors in intrinsic reward are called satisfiers or motivators and include achievement, recognition, responsibility, and so on as mention early. According to Allen and Killman (2001a: 114), the reward system should be aligned to motivate employee performance that is consistent with the firm’s strategy, attract and retain people with the knowledge, skill and abilities required to realize the firm’s strategic goal, and create a supportive culture and structure. This means that they need to motivate their employees to helps them achieve the firm’s goals. When the subordinates are has a good feeling about their job, that are generally related to job content (motivators), while if they has a bad feeling are associated job context (hygiene factors).The intrinsic reward su ch as the sense of meaningfulness, sense of choice, sense of competence, and sense of progress are important to us on a job.Show MoreRelatedThe Importance Of Reward Enhances Motivation And Motivation2117 Words  | 9 PagesDISCUSSION The aim of this experiment was to test whether or not reward enhances motivation, therefore enhancing results of performance. My hypothesis stated that results would be inconclusive due to subjects being self-motivated and happy to do their best. I thought that this no effect on their performances. I took consideration into realising that subjects may not be self-motivated and needed a reward to spur them on to performing at their best. 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